ERROR: resolution failed

I thought I would try version 1.2 so I nuked the existing flox 1.02 install on my Linux Mint machine and installed the new x86_64 .deb.

Some packages that used to install fine before, eg vlc now give an error message

$ flox install vlc
 ERROR: resolution failed: package 'vlc' not available for
    - aarch64-darwin
    - x86_64-darwin
  but it is available for
    - aarch64-linux
    - x86_64-linux

I tried fiddling with the manifest, but to no avail.

we did change how we lock packages and will fail if a package doesn’t lock for all 4 systems. you should be able to resolve it by putting this in your manifest:

vlc.pkg-path = "vlc" = ["aarch64-linux", "x86_64-linux"]

let me know if that works! we do have an improvement to make here to make this just work automatically Improve cross-system support now with catalog service · Issue #1723 · flox/flox · GitHub

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Some progress

$ flox install vlc

Package with id 'vlc' already installed to environment 'flox_intro'


After that I ran flox upgrade toplevel and it installed.

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