Flox develop --help brings the nix help

This is a small usability issue but I found weird that flox develop --help would bring the nix help and not the flox one.

Several of the various flox commands wrap the corresponding nix commands, and our current “prototype” bash CLI isn’t currently smart enough to fully parse the arguments that get relayed to the nix invocation. We’re currently working on a rust rewrite that will be smart enough to do that, but in the meantime we can certainly look for and intercept the --help argument wherever it may appear in argv. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Just a quick update to confirm this is on our list to get sorted and is being prioritised internally. :slight_smile:

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While we are continuing to improve online help via the cli, please note that man flox-[command] is now available as well as a full copy of the man pages in the reference section of floxdocs.

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