Path issue with 1.3.8 on mac + zsh + direnv


I’m observing a regression between 1.3.6 and 1.3.8 when activating an environment with direnv.

Basically none of the executables for that environment end-up on my path.

I created two gists with the -vvv output if that helps:

Please let me know what else I can do to give you more information.


Hi Eric,

Many thanks for reaching out, and apologies for the delay getting back to you! We’ve had a number of bug reports regarding PATH and MANPATH issues with 1.3.8, and we’ve been working on a fix in PR2552.

Before we dive too deeply into the details of your report would you be able to try again with the following flox version, created from the above PR?

nix copy --extra-experimental-features nix-command --from /nix/store/b1ci4l9j3wdw0pca24xpz9mwaspsfzy4-flox-1.3.8
alias flox=/nix/store/b1ci4l9j3wdw0pca24xpz9mwaspsfzy4-flox-1.3.8/bin/flox
export PATH=/nix/store/b1ci4l9j3wdw0pca24xpz9mwaspsfzy4-flox-1.3.8/bin:$PATH

After doing this you’ll need to flox edit your environment and make a trivial change to render a new version containing the latest activation scripts, and you may also need to update your direnv invocations to similarly ensure that it is invoking this new version of flox.

Many thanks!

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Hi Michael,

I confirm that the fix works fine, thank you!



Thanks Eric for confirming! Definitely helps build conviction for getting that PR included in the 1.3.9 release for next week. :+1: