Flox and Home Manager

Hi there,

I’m really seeing the value of Flox, I believe it’s a clean more consistent way to help Engineers with their day to day work.

The guide for migrating Homebrew to Flox is a step in the right direction.

I think there should be a be defined pattern on making Flox and Home Manager work better together, Flox already has a focus on making environments easier to manage but I think for Flox to get better traction there needs to be a pattern for /home management, not just for packages but for configuration as well.

The Idea: flox home

Using the workflow of installing a package it could be extended to add dotfile management

When I manage install an Application and do it’s config, I can just push my config to floxhub
flox home push

When I have a new machine or environment I can just pull in my home to have it configured the way I want.
flox home pull

Not sure if this is part of a Roadmap already.

Glad to hear you’re seeing the value!

This isn’t on the near term roadmap, but I definitely think something like that could be useful