List packages which could be upgraded if given their own group

Basically, I’m building my default environment and I want to make sure I have the latest version of every package. Which ones need to go in their own groups? Is there an automated way to figure this out?

Would the storage requirements for putting every package in its own group be unreasonable?

EDIT: Okay, I realized I didn’t really understand what a group was. It seems to be a collection of packages that are all pinned to the same commit of nixpkgs. Anyway, I realized one of the packages I wanted to install had newer versions that were broken on macOS so it held back everything to an old nixpkgs commit. Putting it in its own group and everything else in toplevel solved the issue.

I wish flox would have told me that the package’s latest version was broken upon installing, though.

I added a note to a related GitHub issue we have Unsure how to take action on "resolution failed: constraints for group 'toplevel' are too tight" · Issue #2541 · flox/flox · GitHub

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