Why flox history no longer shows upgraded packages?

It just shows that everything went from null to some version

Tue Aug 29 15:22:58 2023 +0200 myman upgraded stable.nixpkgs-flox.age stable.nixpkgs-flox.antigen.2_2_3 stable.nixpkgs-flox.awscli2 stable.nixpkgs-flox.dig stable.nixpkgs-flox.direnv stable.nixpkgs-flox.eksctl stable.nixpkgs-flox.exa stable.nixpkgs-flox.fd stable.nixpkgs-flox.freerdp stable.nixpkgs-flox.fzf stable.nixpkgs-flox.gh stable.nixpkgs-flox.gimme-aws-creds stable.nixpkgs-flox.git stable.nixpkgs-flox.git-filter-repo stable.nixpkgs-flox.hyperfine stable.nixpkgs-flox.jfrog-cli stable.nixpkgs-flox.jira-cli-go stable.nixpkgs-flox.jq stable.nixpkgs-flox.k9s stable.nixpkgs-flox.kubectx stable.nixpkgs-flox.kubernetes stable.nixpkgs-flox.kubernetes-helm stable.nixpkgs-flox.moreutils stable.nixpkgs-flox.mysql-client stable.nixpkgs-flox.neovim stable.nixpkgs-flox.nix-prefetch stable.nixpkgs-flox.nix-tree stable.nixpkgs-flox.pandoc stable.nixpkgs-flox.pipx stable.nixpkgs-flox.rubocop stable.nixpkgs-flox.rufo stable.nixpkgs-flox.socat stable.nixpkgs-flox.ssm-session-manager-plugin stable.nixpkgs-flox.wslu stable.nixpkgs-flox.yarn stable.nixpkgs-flox.yarn2nix stable.nixpkgs-flox.zsh.5_9 unstable.nixpkgs-flox.chezmoi unstable.nixpkgs-flox.python310Packages.cfn-lint unstable.nixpkgs-flox.yq-go flake flake

flox upgrade
  stable.nixpkgs-flox.age: ∅ -> 1.1.1
  stable.nixpkgs-flox.antigen.2_2_3: ∅ -> 2.2.3
  stable.nixpkgs-flox.awscli2: ∅ -> 2.13.3
  stable.nixpkgs-flox.dig: ∅ -> 9.18.16, 9.18.16-dnsutils, 9.18.16-host

These packages did exist before

Hi @anon59756714 - I hope you are well. :slight_smile:
What version of flox are you running?

flox/unstable,now 0.2.7-r586 amd64

ran upgrade again and the same entry appears - new date but all packages from null to version

Many thanks for this; this indeed is not intended.

I have logged this bug internally so it can be addressed as we start to drive towards the flox CLI general availability (1.0) release as described in our earlier Discourse announcement.

Hi @anon59756714 - I just wanted to let you know that this bug has just been fixed. You should be able to test it out using the pre-release version (available by tomorrow) if you’d like. Otherwise, if you prefer to wait, it will be incorporated in the next scheduled release (~14 Sept).

Enjoy your weekend! :slight_smile:

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@anon59756714 - Just a quick update… As you are probably already aware, we ended up doing a release earlier than normally scheduled. The fix to the bug you described above was included in that release. Any issues getting back on track with your envs, please let me know.

I was checking the changes and I will stay on 0.2.7 for now. Flox flavour of gh seems dangerous. It wouldn’t be if it would connect to just Flox Dev but not with my regular GH account. This bug is annoying but not a biggie :smiley:

Understood, and thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile: Please also note Michael’s append here - Release Announcement v0.3.0 (August 31 2023) - #5 by limeytexan.

Hi @anon59756714 - v0.3.3 which addresses your gh concerns was just released :slight_smile:

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