I want to install spotifyd with optional PulseAudio support. From what I learned from Environment reference, each package supports only stability and version attributes. It means I cannot override the withPulseAudio attribute to true.
Does that mean that to enable this I have to create my own flake, add it to public Github and use it the same way I installed gimme-aws-creds from their github?
Disclaimer: we are currently reworking the environment file format so the answer to this might look somewhat different soon.
For the time being:
The function here is in fact called with a context that is a superset of nixpkgs to provide, inline package definitions.
Think of the function in a way like default.nix files in nixpkgs if you have worked with those.
The nixpkgs used should match nixpkgs-flox
Thus you should be able to override spotifyd like this:
Note that the nixpkgs you get here will be locked to the version of when the environment was created or for project environments, the version locked by the project.